Real-Estate Website

Real-Estate Website

Built for

Built for

Built with

Built with



Built a website for a construction business in Italy, for their new business line.

Built a website for a construction business in Italy, for their new business line.

Key skills

Key skills

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website design

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development

Website development



May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024



May 12, 2024

May 12, 2024







Semplicasa, a construction business in Italy, needed a website for their new business line targeting architects. The challenges were:

  • The team required a website that could be quickly built and launched to test their new business model.

  • Simplicity prioritized a platform that was easy to implement and maintain over the long term, with a minimal upfront cost.

  • They needed a solution that would be user-friendly for future updates and changes without requiring extensive technical expertise.

Semplicasa, a construction business in Italy, needed a website for their new business line targeting architects. The challenges were:

  • The team required a website that could be quickly built and launched to test their new business model.

  • Simplicity prioritized a platform that was easy to implement and maintain over the long term, with a minimal upfront cost.

  • They needed a solution that would be user-friendly for future updates and changes without requiring extensive technical expertise.



I developed Semplicasa's website within 6 hours using a no-code development platform. This approach was chosen because:

  • Softr offers a free tier, which aligns with Semplicasa’s goal to minimize initial costs.

  • Its intuitive interface is extremely user-friendly for non-technical users, allowing the team to easily maintain and update the website themselves over time.

  • The rapid development timeline allowed Semplicasa to quickly launch and start testing their new business line.

I developed Semplicasa's website within 6 hours using a no-code development platform. This approach was chosen because:

  • Softr offers a free tier, which aligns with Semplicasa’s goal to minimize initial costs.

  • Its intuitive interface is extremely user-friendly for non-technical users, allowing the team to easily maintain and update the website themselves over time.

  • The rapid development timeline allowed Semplicasa to quickly launch and start testing their new business line.



6 hours

Website launched

6 hours

Website launched

6 hours

Website launched

Build your business engine.
No code


Build your business engine.
No code


Build your business engine.
No code